Joe Biden decides to stick to August 31 Afghanistan exit deadline, in clear Jesuit Order ritual, August 24, 2021

Catholic Church Jesuit Military New World Order News War
Today is 277 days after Joe Biden’s November 20, 2020 birthday
*277, 59th prime *Taliban = 59 *Pope Francis = 59
Joe Biden was the 59th Presidential Election, becoming #46 *Afghanistan = 46

This news comes August 24, seven days before the 31st.

The 31st is the day leaving 122 days in the year.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122
Pope Francis = 122

That day will be 1,038-weeks and 2-days after we invaded Afghanistan, October 7, 2021.
Federal = 138

It will also be the 293rd day of the Superior General’s age, Arturo Sosa.
293, 62nd prime
Afghanistan = 62

Look at the 62 on the plane in the staged Afghanistan scene from recent days.

That date is also 257 days after Pope Francis’ birthday.
257, 55th prime
Military = 55

And in light of this being a Society of Jesus ritual, notice where the date 31/8 fits in with ‘Jesus’. It is through the number 318.

Keep in mind August 31 is a Tuesday, the day of the week named after Mars, the God of War.

And don’t overlook that this military withdrawal is synced with Pope Francis birthday.
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
United States of America = 84
Jesuit = 84


  1. THETRUTH on August 24, 2021 at 1:47 pm

    MBS TURNS 36 ON AUG 31 …

  2. S W ALCHIN on August 24, 2021 at 9:21 pm

    New Zealand actor Francis Mossman = 56 dies aged 33. He was gay, Gay = 33
    122 days after his birthday of 14/4 , like 144 Jesuit Order
    Iesus Hominum Salvator = 122
    Pope Francis = 122 — Dies 122 days before Pope Francis birthday
    Dies on 18/8, 188 like Company of Loyola, by Suicide = 47 on 18+8+21 = 47

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