Joe Biden to issue climate executive orders Wednesday, July 20, 2022

The book I am finishing is about how pretty much EVERYTHING going on in the world, from Covid-19, to transgenderism, to Russia-Ukraine is encoded with 201, and that is because it is the number the Illuminati has assigned to the climate change agenda, because it is their agenda. And a key goal to get the carbon emissions down, is to reduce the population. Thus, that is where Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), war, and not procreating people fit in.
So how fitting Joe Biden is going to bring an executive action for Climate Change on July 20, 2022, the 201st day of the year. Remember, Agenda 21 was signed off on June 13, 1992, the day leaving 201-days in the year.
This year July 20 also falls on Wednesday, named after Mercury, the 201 element.
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Excellent summary of the current state of things!