Joe Biden’s & Pope Francis’ October 29, 2021 meeting in relation to abortion, 42-days before the Supreme Court’s decision
On October 14, the day leaving 78-days in the year, while Joe Biden was still 78, it was announced he would meet with Pope Francis, who was 78-years-old when Beau Biden died.
Jesuit = 78
The October 29, 2021 meeting was Biden’s 283rd day of being President of the United States.
283, 61st prime
Church = 61
Washington D.C. = 61
The Supreme Court’s December 10, 2021 abortion ruling came 42-days later.
Jesuit = 42
Roe v. Wade = 42
*D.C. = 42
Keep in mind March 22, 2022 will be 144-days after the meeting.
Jesuit Order = 144
President Biden = 144
The United States of America = 144
Recall Trump’s meeting with the Pope on May 24, 2017, the 144th day of the year.
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10/29/2021 = 10+29+2+0+2+1 = 44
“President Biden’s Meeting With Pope Francis” = 193 (Full Reduction)
193, the 44th prime number.
“Abortion” = 29 (Chaldean)
That meeting on the 29th came six days after the birthday of Ignatius of Loyola.
“Six” = 29 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Church” = 29 (Reverse Full Reduction)
It also came after Ignatius of Loyola’s 530th birthday.
“President Biden Meets With Pope Francis” = 530 (Reverse Ordinal)
It came 137-days after Trump’s 75th birthday.
“Joe Biden Meets With Pope Francis” = 137 (Full Reduction)
“Washington, D.C.” = 137 (English Ordinal)
“Catholic Church” = 75 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Ignatius of Loyola” = 75 (Full Reduction)
“New World Order” = 75 (Full Reduction)
“Pope Francis” = 122 (English Ordinal)
“Abortion” = 122 (Reverse Ordinal)
“Satanic” = 122 (Reverse Ordinal)