Johnny Depp’s new film about Louis XV launches the 76th Cannes Film Festival, May 16, 2023
For the 76th Cannes Film Festival, and while Johnny Depp is 59 years old, on the verge of turning 60, this film releases about Louis XV. Notice the gematria of 76 and 59.

*King Louis XV died in his 59th year as King of France.
Think of the United States, in 1776, 59 years after modern Freemasonry was created, in 1717.
Freemasonry = 59
59, the 17th prime number
Mason = 17 (Year 1717)
The Illuminati was also created in 1776. And this ritual comes 48 weeks and days after Johnny Depp’s 59th birthday, June 9, 2022.
Illuminati = 48
Freemason = 48
Hollywood = 48
48 Laws of Power…

Does anything stand out to you about Louis XV’s death in 1774?
Notice, among other things, Louis XV died at age 64. And this Cannes Film Festival begins on the ‘kill’ date, having 64 numerology, May 16, 2023.
5/16/2023 = 5+16+20+23 = 64
5/16/2023 = 5+16+23 = 44
Kill = 64 & 44
As we’ll get to, it connects to the Pope who died shortly after Louis XV, and 64 months after assuming the papacy.

He died 84 days after his birthday, or on his 85th day of his age.
Jesuit = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
*United States of America = 84
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85
He died 191 days after the Pope’s October 31 birthday.
Society of Jesus = 191
191, the 43rd prime
Jesus Christ = 43
Masonic = 43
Killing = 43
RIP = 43
And then the Pope died a span of 136 days from his death, September 22, 1774. That goes with today’s festival coming on May 16, the 136th day of the year. Once again, 136 is the 16th triangular number, and the Jesuit Order (Society of Jesus) was created in the 16th Century.

The Knights Templar, who are part of the Jesuit Order’s logo, were burned at the stake in France for worshiping Baphomet.

*And notice, that Pope died 64 months after taking the position.
It goes with the 64 spaces on the chessboard.

He was Pope for 64 months before his death.

Keep in mind 1774 was two years before 1776.