Jonathan Sugarman of Seattle dies on Mount Everest, May 1, 2023, the Illuminati’s birthday

Notice, the climber, of Seattle, Washington, Jonathan Sugarman, died on Mount Everest, on the Illuminati’s birthday, May 1, 2023, an order founded by the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt.

Jonathan Sugarman = 93 & 177
–Order of Illuminati = 93 & 201
–The Jesuit Order = 177 & 201
He was 69 years old.
Jonathan R. Sugarman = 69
Illuminati = 69
He lived on 67th and 19th in Seattle.
67, 19th prime
Seattle = 19
He worked in the medical world in the time of Covid-19, where the pandemic kicked off after the Event 201 coronavirus simulation, co-hosted by Seattle’s Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
William Henry Gates = 201
He died 181 days before Bill Gates’ upcoming birthday.
181, 42nd prime
Washington, 42nd state
Vaccine = 42