Joseph Michael McShane, the President of Fordham University (once St. John’s) & the founder of the school, John Hughes
Joseph Michael McShane is the President of Fordham, the Jesuit University of New York, and a Priest of the Society of Jesus. Notice how his name ties in with the S.J.

Joseph Michael McShane = 88 / 101 / 187 / 353 (71st prime) *Catholic = 71
Trump = 20+18+21+13+16 = 88 (Trump went to Fordham)
Fordham University was established June 24, 1841, a date with 71 numerology. 6+24+41 = 71 *Catholic = 71 *The Society of Jesus = 71

And McShane became the President of Fordham on July 1, or 7/1, in 2003.

The university was established on the 44th birthday of John Hughes, June 24, 1841.

It was originally named St. John’s College, equating to 56, like ‘Society of Jesus’.

St. John’s = 24 (24th of month establishment)
St. John’s = 39 *New York = 39
St. John’s = 84 *Jesuit = 84 *The Jesuit Order = 84
John Joseph Hughes, a name equating to 64, would die in 1864, exactly 193 days after his 66th birthday. *Roman Catholic Church = 193

*193, 44th prime number
Also, notice the prior President of Fordham, Joseph Aloysius O’Hare, recently died on March 29, 2020, the 88th day of the year.

From 1988 to…?

Because 2020 was a leap year, he died 46 days after his birthday. Of course, ‘Catholic’ equates to 46, as does ‘sacrifice’. Furthermore, he died on a date with 72 numerology.
3/29/2020 = 3+29+20+20 = 72 *Jesuit Order = 72

1972 to 1975? *Catholic Church = 75
1975 to 1984? *Jesuit = 84 *The Jesuit Order = 84
And let us not forget that FBI agent G. Gordon Liddy said in his 1980 autobiography that the Jesuits of Fordham “rule the world.”