Joshua Kyeremeh, Ghanaian politician, dead from coronavirus, January 18, 2021 (MLK Day)

Coronavirus Murder by Numbers New World Order News

Joshua Kyeremeh is dead from ‘coronavirus’ on MLK Day, January 18, 2021.

1/18… *Death = 118 *Homicide = 118

Notice how his name fits the ongoing scheme, equating to 70.


  1. aaron00022 on January 19, 2021 at 1:56 am

    “By 2024, the COVID-19 virus has mutated into COVID-23 and the world is in its fourth pandemic year. In the United States, people are required to take temperature checks on their cell phones while those infected with COVID-23 are taken from their homes against their will and forced into quarantine camps, also known as “Q-Zones” or concentration camps, where some fight back against the brutal restrictions. In these camps, the infected are left to die or forcibly get better.”

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