Józef Retinger’s June 12, 1960 passing, the Jesuit credited with creating the Bilderberg Group

Jozef Retinger died 56 days after his birthday.

He died on 12/6, 1 month and 26 days after his birthday.

He died on a date with 78 numerology.
6/12/60 = 6+12+60 = 78

His name equates to 158, reminding that the Jesuits were born in France on August 15, or 15/8, like 158.

June 12 is the 163rd day of the year.
163, 38th prime *Death = 38
This man is credited with creating the Bilderberg Group, that had its first meeting in 1954, emphasis on ’54.


120 to 150 members, eh?
Recall, the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt, created the Illuminati.