Kangol Kid of UTFO, dead December 18, 2021, on Saturnalia
Kangol Kid is dead on the second day of Saturnalia, December 18.
Hip-Hop = 18
-Saturn = 93
-December Eighteenth = 93
-New York, NY = 93
Keep in mind they in the Smithsonian for hip-hop history.
He is dead 130 days after his birthday.
Fequiere = 130
He is dead at 55.
Satan = 55
-Saturn is related to Satan to the occult
-He is dead in his 56th year of life
-Saturn = 56 (Hebrew)
And notice he is dead 38-years after the group’s ’83 establishment
Murder = 38 / 83
Rapper = 38
Death = 38
Killing = 38
RIP = 38
Read more about UTFO here.