Karim Ouellet, Quebec singer, dead at 37, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 17, 2022

Dakar, Senegal = 44 (MLK killed on 4/4)
This man was found dead on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, on his 41st day of his age, and 23-days after the anniversary of the release of his album Plume (Dec. 25, 2010).
King = 41 / 23 / 22
Plume = 23 / 22
-Found dead at the start of ’22
Notice how ‘King’ and ‘Plume’ overlap.

Blood Sacrifice = 67
Human Sacrifice = 67
He is dead 11-years after the album’s release.
Black = 11

MLK was killed on the 95th day of 1968, and Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses.
