Karl Lagerfeld paid tribute to at Met Gala 2023, four years after his February 19, 2019 passing

Awards Ceremony Death Freemasonry Jesuit News Secret Societies Uncategorized

This headline comes May 1, 2023, the 247th birthday of the Order of Illuminati (Bavarian Illuminati), established by Adam Weishaupt, May 1, 1776.

It’s FOUR years since the death of Karl Lagerfeld, February 19, 2019.

White Cat = 127
Bavarian Illuminati = 127
Buildings 1, 2 & 7 (on 9/11)
Pearl Harbor on 12/7

White Cat = 35 & 46
Catholic = 35 & 46
Eye = 35 & 46
-The Illuminati and the eye…

Notice, CNN did their final edit about his death on February 20, 2019, the 51st day of the year.
This news comes today, May 1, 2023
Illuminati founded May 1, or 5/1
Adam Weishaupt = 51
Conspiracy = 51
Federal = 51
Rome = 51
Moon = 51 (Some claim Area 51 is where moon landing was filmed)

The moon landing was on the 201st day of the year.
Order of Illuminati = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Neil Alden Armstrong = 201

The moon is illuminated by the sun.
Heliocentrism = 201 (Same century as the Jesuits, the 16th)
The sun goes 247 (247th birthday of the Illuminati)

Adam Weishaupt died November 18, 201 days from the May 1 establishment anniversary.

Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati’s founder, was Jesuit raised and trained.

Of course, the Jesuits are Roman Catholic, and Lagerfeld died on February 19, or 2/19.
Roman Catholic = 219
Antonin Scalia = 219 (His body lay in repose at the Supreme Court on 2/19 in 2016)
-He was the first Roman Catholic Supreme Court Justice

And on the Jesuit theme, today’s Met Gala is at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Metropolitan Museum of Art = 103
Jesuits = 103

It goes with Lagerfeld dying at age 85.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 85

And for more familiar numbers…

Karl Lagerfeld = 112 / 58 / 239 / 77
-Jesuits operate in 112 countries
-Mathematics = 112 & 49
Catholicism = 112 & 49
5/1/2023 = 5+1+20+23 = 49
-Secret Society = 58 & 77
-Freemasonry = 58

Pope Francis = 58
239, 52nd prime
Pope = 52

He died 64 days after the Pope’s birthday *Kill = 64
Karl Otto Lagerfeld = 277 (59th prime)
Pope Francis = 59
-Benedict stepped down for him 59th day of 2013 (Feb. 28)
-Biden elected #46, 46 weeks after Pope’s birthday, in 59th US Pres. Elec.


1983? Or, for short, ’83?

Keep in mind Karl Lagerfeld died on his 163rd day of his age, the 38th prime number.
Murder = 83 & 38
Killing = 38
Death = 38
RIP = 38


Karl Otto Lagerfeld = 182 / 74 / 277 / 97
Roman Catholicism = 74 & 97
Jesus = 74 (Society of Jesus, Jesuits, Illuminati)
Cross = 74
Gospel = 74
Parables = 74
Messiah = 74
Jewish = 74
Roman = 74
-Masonic = 74
Occult = 74
Energy = 74
-*English = 74
-*Gematria = 74

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