Katy Perry’s Swish Swish music video & the song’s release 56-months before Super Bowl 56

Astrology Celebrity Entertainment Predictive Programming Sports
May 19, 139th day of the year *Katy Perry = 139 (34th prime) *Burrow = 34

The song Swish Swish released 56-months and days before Super Bowl 56.

Swish Swish = 60
Bengals = 60

The music video is the Sheep vs. the Tigers, and here we are with Super Bowl 56, with the Rams coming in 15-5, vs. the Bengals, in the Year of the Tiger. Plus, the game is on Lupercalia, and sheep and goats get sacrificed on Lupercalia (a ram is a male goat). And on top of that, in this video, the Tigers win.

The music video released August 24, 2017, the day leaving 129-days in the year.
129 is 201 in base 8 counting
Tiger = 201 (Jewish Gematria)

The video released 53-months and days or 233-weeks and days before Super Bowl
Joe Burrow = 53 *Vesica Piscis = 53 *Los Angeles = 53 *Rams = 51 *Cincinnati = 51
-The sheep player shown over and over is #51

Katy Perry = 139 (34th prime)
Burrow = 34
-Next QB to win a Super Bowl is #34

Katy Perry performed in Super Bowl 49, where Russell Wilson lost to Brady, and Wilson is from Cincinnati, who now represent the Tigers in the Year of the Tiger.

The Super Bowl is 111-days after Perry’s birthday, or on her 112th day of her age.
Mary J. Blige born 1/11 (Performer this year)
Queen born on 111th day of the year
Super Bowl = 112

Her birthday leaves 67-days in the year, the Queen’s birthday is 67-days after the Super Bowl.

In the video, it shows the Tigers scored 70-points.
United Kingdom = 70

The last time the Rams and Bengals played was October 27, 2019, in the U.K.


  1. Miami Boy on February 12, 2022 at 12:17 pm

    The ex-Bengal Terrell Roberts killed at age 38 on 9/11/19 in San Fran visiting Grandma. San Fran known as Baghdad by the bay (9/11) where Sunday after 9ers played Bengals. Born in ’81. 49ers beat Bengals in ’81 season Superbowl.

  2. GEMATRIACANTSAVE on February 12, 2022 at 1:36 pm

    IT IS THE YEAR OF THE TIGER… and he has a squad of defendants.


    The director of this video also went to Jesuit Loyola in Los Angeles.

    ‘the saudi crown prince is the beast’ = 666 (Franc Baconis)


  3. GregRamsey74 on February 12, 2022 at 6:05 pm

    I can’t get over how much Katie Perry looks like Kurt Warner’s wife with that hair in the video.

    “Brenda Warner” = 60 (Full Reduction)

    “Kurt Warner’s Wife” = 76 (Full Reduction)
    “Kurt Warner’s Wife” = 194 (Reverse Ordinal)
    “Kurt Warner’s Wife” = 211 (English Ordinal)

    “Swish Swish Video” = 76 (Full Reduction)
    “Swish Swish Video” = 194 (Reverse Ordinal)
    “Swish Swish Video” = 211 (English Ordinal)

    “Brenda Warner” = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)
    “Kurt Warner” = 201 (Francis Bacon)

  4. Manny on February 13, 2022 at 4:09 am

    It makes sense, you got a dude with card reading: ‘ when is the football season” also you got nicki minaj performing some type of halftime show. Not found in Nba, only on Superbowl

    • Manny on February 13, 2022 at 8:21 am

      Also worth noting, the dude with that Card appears at 2:24 which is 144 seconds. Jesuit order = 144

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