Keep an eye on Jimmy Carter, age 97, at the time of March 22, 2022
Today, March 22, 2022, is Jimmy Carter’s 173rd day of being 97-years-old, born October 1, 1924. Tomorrow, will be 173-days after his birthday.
Roman Catholicism = 173 / 97
It is March 22, or 3/22, the number of Skull and Bones, the ‘Brotherhood of Death.’
Brotherhood of Death = 97
Jimmy Carter has a lot to do with baseball in ‘Gematria,’ and the Braves won last year’s World Series, a ritual highly connected to Skull and Bones season after season.
Jimmy Carter = 54 / 162
Baseball = 54 / 54 / 162
Jesuit Order = 54
Major League Baseball = 162
Sun Worship = 54 / 54 / 162