Kelsey Grammer praises Kirstie Alley on his 68th birthday on The Rachel Ray Show, February 21, 2023

Celebrity Death Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Scientology
Radiant = 67 (Grammer was 67 when Alley died)

This tribute came a span of 79-days from Kirstie Alley’s December 5, 2022 death.

Kirstie Alley = 79 / 56
Society of Jesus = 79 / 56

Grammer’s full name, Allen Kelsey Grammer, equates to 79.

And notice this came on Kelsey Grammer’s 68th birthday.
Catholicism = 68
Mathematics = 68

Also, notice that Rachel Ray is 54-years-old at the time of this tribute.
Scientology = 54
Jesuit Order = 54

This came on her 181st day of her age.
181, 42nd prime
Jesuit = 42

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