Kevin Nascimento, MC Kevin, 23-year-old Brazilian entertainer, dies in hotel fall, Sunday, May 16, 2021

Celebrity Entertainment Murder by Numbers News

This death occurred Sunday, May 16, 2021, one day after Kobe Bryant was inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame, and I bring that up because of the gematria overlap with ‘Nascimento’ and ‘Kobe Bryant’.

Eleventh Floor = 157 (Where he fell from, reportedly)

Scottish Rite = 165 (16/5 death) *Scottish = 113
Freemasonry = 58

He was born April 29, meaning he died 17 days after his birthday.

Kill = 17
NBA = 17
Black Mamba = 59 (17th prime)
Eleventh Floor = 59

For another parallel, Kobe Bryant died January 26, 2020, a date with 67 numerology, and ‘eleventh floor’ equates to 67, like ‘blood sacrifice’ and ‘human sacrifice’.

And keep in mind he was 23-year-old, and Kobe was induced into the H.O.F. by #23, Jordan.

He died on a date with 62 numerology as well. *Sacrifice = 62
5/16/2021 = 5+16+20+21 = 62

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