Kultida Woods, mother of Tiger Woods, dead at 80, February 4, 2025

Kultida Woods is announced dead on February 4, or 2/4 (Kultida=24).

Today is Rosa Parks’s birthday anniversary.
Notice how her name overlaps with ‘sacrifice’ and ‘ritual sacrifice.’

Today can be written 4/2, and Tiger’s birthday is December 30, the only day in the year where the day and the month equate to 42 (12+30=42, Slavery=42, Tuskegee=42, February=42, History=42, etc.).
The Masters will end this year on April 13, 2025, a date with 42 numerology (4+13+25=42).

Tiger’s mother has died 68 days before the Masters ends on April 13, 2025 (Golf=68).

It goes with Tiger being 49 years old right now (Masters=49). Today is Tuesday (Tuesday=23, Masters=23).

He won his first Masters in ’97 (97 is the 25th prime *Death=97 & 25).

Kultida Woods was born on September 30, 1944.
