Kyiv Mayor warns Ukraine to be prepared for Russian Victory Day, May 9, 2022

May 9, 2022 will be the 75th day of the military conflict, or 74-days after it officially began.
New World Order = 75
Catholic Church = 75
Order Out of Chaos = 75
*Order = 75
*Russia = 75
It will also be the 129th day of the year.
129 is 201 in base-8 counting
Donbas Region = 201
Odesa, Ukraine = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201
Keep in mind the date can be written 5/9, or 9/5.
Pope Francis = 59
-Victory Day = 52 / 56
-Pope = 52 / 56
-Kyiv, Ukraine = 56
Counter Reformation = 95
The Bavarian Illuminati = 95
-Jesuits recognized on day leaving 95-days in year
*The Jesuits were created to counter the 95 Theses and they were recognized by Rome on the day leaving 95-days in the year, September 27, 1540.
And adding to the ritual, it will be the 144th day of Pope Francis age.
Jesuit Order = 144