Lani Guinier, ACLU award winner, dead at 71, on January 7, 2022

Catholic Church Celebrity Entertainment Federal Government Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Racism

Lani Guinier is dead at 71, on January 7, or 7/1, and is remembered for her work in ‘Civil Rights.’
Civil Rights = 71
African-American = 71

Recall the Birth of a Nation “71 joke.”

Notice CNN’s photo of her in front of an ACLU sign.
ACLU = 71

ACLS stands for American Civil Liberties Union.
American Civil Liberties Union = 177
The Jesuit Order = 177

Notice the ACLU will turn 102-years-old on January 19, 2022.
Slavery = 102

She is dead 102-days before her birthday.
Carol Lani Guinier = 102

She is dead 263 days after her birthday.
263, 56th prime
Society of Jesus = 56 / 191
Black Lives Matter = 56
Washington D.C. = 56
ACLU established 19/1

She is dead on the day the news break about Sidney Poitier. He played ‘Homer Smith’ in Lilies of the Field.
Homer Smith = 56

He is dead 320-days after his 94th birthday.
Roman Catholic Church = 320 / 94
Catholic = 71 (News on 7/1)

As for 1993 being the year she received much attention, that was 29-years ago.
Black = 29

It was thanks to #42, and Guinier was 42-years-old to start the year.
Jesuit = 42

Bill Clinton, #42, was Jesuit educated, having attended Georgetown.
Georgetown = 42
Slavery = 42

Recall Georgetown’s recent payment for slavery reparations.

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