Lani Guinier, ACLU award winner, dead at 71, on January 7, 2022
Lani Guinier is dead at 71, on January 7, or 7/1, and is remembered for her work in ‘Civil Rights.’
Civil Rights = 71
African-American = 71
Recall the Birth of a Nation “71 joke.”
Notice CNN’s photo of her in front of an ACLU sign.
ACLU = 71
ACLS stands for American Civil Liberties Union.
American Civil Liberties Union = 177
The Jesuit Order = 177
Notice the ACLU will turn 102-years-old on January 19, 2022.
Slavery = 102
She is dead 102-days before her birthday.
Carol Lani Guinier = 102
She is dead 263 days after her birthday.
263, 56th prime
Society of Jesus = 56 / 191
Black Lives Matter = 56
Washington D.C. = 56
ACLU established 19/1
She is dead on the day the news break about Sidney Poitier. He played ‘Homer Smith’ in Lilies of the Field.
Homer Smith = 56
He is dead 320-days after his 94th birthday.
Roman Catholic Church = 320 / 94
Catholic = 71 (News on 7/1)
As for 1993 being the year she received much attention, that was 29-years ago.
Black = 29
It was thanks to #42, and Guinier was 42-years-old to start the year.
Jesuit = 42
Bill Clinton, #42, was Jesuit educated, having attended Georgetown.
Georgetown = 42
Slavery = 42
Recall Georgetown’s recent payment for slavery reparations.