Las Cruces man accused of plotting Biden assassination, mass shooting, May 26, 2021 news

Astrology Federal Government Jesuit News Predictive Programming
Las Cruces, New Mexico = 103
Total Lunar Eclipse = 103
Date of Total Lunar Eclipse, May 26, 2021

Please notice this news broke on May 26, 2021, 201 days after Joe Biden was named the winner of the 59th Presidential Election, on November 7, 2020.

Remember all the 201s with Joe Biden’s rigged selection, including the death of his son, 201 days before Pop Francis’ birthday in 2015.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
Ignatius of Loyola = 201
-Leo Jeremiah O’Donovan = 201 (Jesuit who did Biden funeral & Inauguration).

And remember, June 1, 2024, is Joe Biden’s 1229th day as President, the 201st prime…
Kamala will be 59 years old then…

The man was 39 and this news came on the date of a full moon and lunar eclipse *Eclipse = 39 *Federal = 39

Las Cruces goes perfect with the news on the 26.
Las Cruces = 101 (26th prime)
Assassin = 101

And he is from New Mexico, the 47th state.
-President = 47
-Whitehouse = 47
-Government = 47
Authority = 47
Democrat = 47
Republican = 47
D.C. = 47

Joe Biden was in D.C. for 47-years before becoming President elect, and he was the 47th Vice President, and he took office in 2009 with 47-year-old Obama. He also defeated ‘Trump’ in the most recent election. *Trump = 47

Keep in mind Kamala Harris will become the 47th President if Biden doesn’t make it through his term.

And for one last point, the name ‘John Thornton’ equates to 54 and 153.
John Thornton = 54 / 153
Jesuit Order = 54 / 153
-John Thornton = 63 / 171
-John Carroll = 63 / 171

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