LeBron James asks for help in solving the murder of his friend’s sister, November 4, 2020 news

Celebrity Murder by Numbers News Sports
*Vote = 17 *See more on 17 and this death below

No doubt this is another body for LeBron James’ scripted career.

Notice how the name Ericka Weems equates to 68 and 185, the same as ‘basketball’ and ‘mathematics’.

With regards to ‘mathematics’, this news comes November 4, or 11/4, or 114.

And this year LeBron won the NBA Finals on October 11, 2020, 114 days after the real King James birthday, which is June 19. Of course, LeBron won his last championship, with the Cavs, in 2016, on June 19.

And notice how June 19, or 6/19, is a lot like 619, the 114th prime.


Notice how Koby Waltman equates to 114, a lot like the way the date is written, November 4, or 11/4, like 114.

Read about the 49ers ‘coronavirus’ outbreak today, November 4: https://gematriaeffect.news/san-francisco-49ers-unnamed-player-tests-positive-for-coronavirus-november-4-2020/


This news comes on a date with 35/55 numerology, while LeBron James is 35 years old.

King James = 35/55

This news comes November 4, 2020, 56 days before LeBron’s 36th birthday, or a span of 57 days.

*Society of Jesus = 56 *NBA Finals = 57

The woman was reportedly killed Monday, November 2, 2020, 22 days after the Lakers won the NBA Finals, which was October 11, 2020.

*Basketball = 22

It was a date with 33 and 53 numerology.

11/2/20 = 11+2+20 = 33 *LeBron = 33 *James = 33 *NBA Finals = 33

11/2/2020 = 11+2+20+20 = 53 *Los Angeles = 53

She was 37 years old, in her 38th year of life *Los Angeles = 37

She died exactly 44 weeks after LeBron James’ birthday, or 308 days.

308 days?

Remember when LeBron James scored 38 against the team from the 38th State, Denver, to advance to the ‘Finals’?

Read more about 38 and death here: https://freetofindtruth.blogspot.com/2018/07/38-murder-by-numbers-movie-poster-and.html

And 44 weeks?

After the Lakers win their 17th championship, to conclude LeBron James’ 17th season? This?

Notice her date of death was the day leaving 59 days in the year. 59 is the 17th prime number.

Even the owner of the Lakers is 59 years old right now.

And just today I was talking about how bodies drop for LeBron James, year after year, left and right. Go to somewhere around 1 hour and 25 minutes in this video.

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