Leslie Jordan, Will and Grace actor, dead at 67

Celebrity Jesuit Murder by Numbers News

Dead at 67? Again?
Human Sacrifice = 67
Blood Sacrifice = 67
Satanic = 67


He is dead on the day that when counted through the end of the year totals 69 days.
Leslie Allen Jordan = 69

He is dead on the 71st day of Grace’s age (Debra Lynn Messing).
Will and Grace = 71

Notice she is 54, and has the same birthday as the Jesuit Order, August 15.
Jesuit Order = 54
*Catholic = 71


  1. Dee on October 24, 2022 at 3:34 pm

    Sarcastic sob writers at cnn..height=24.

  2. amy@cracktheircode.org on October 24, 2022 at 5:59 pm

    he is dead 187 days before his 68th birthday on the 68th day of the year and the shooting today was 187 days after the mayor taking office anniversary

  3. Breakaway Books on October 25, 2022 at 8:48 am

    Leslie Jordan = 124

    Dead on 10/24, and according to the rules of numerology you can discount the 0 = 124.

    In your face!

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