Loretta Lynn, coal miner’s daughter, dead on her 174th day of her age, 26 days after the Queen’s death, and on the day Aaron Judge sets the home run record at 62, October 4, 2022, Yom Kippur
Three things. Queen, Coal Miner’s Daughter, and her April 14, or 14/4 birthday.
First, the queen part. She is dead 26 days after Elizabeth’s September 8 death.
Queen = 26 (Huge number with many Queens, from Elizabeth to Aretha and Madonna)
Queen = 26 / 62 (Aaron Judge hit #62 the day Loretta Lynn died).
Second, Virginia / West Virginia is known for coal, going with the “Coal miner’s daughter,” and of course you have Virginia and Maryland next to each other, sounding like Virgin Mary. Then you also have the Carolinas just south, and they are named after King Charles I. And of course, Queen Elizabeth just died on the Virgin Mary’s birthday, in the massive Mary ritual that was (she was born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary).
Third, her 14/4 birthday goes with her dying on Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur = 144
Jesuit Order = 144
The United States of America = 144
-Forty-Four = 144
-April Fourth = 144
-MLK and his assassin’s massive 144 ritual
-MLK dead on the 95th day of 1968, typically the 94th day of the year
-Jesuits created to Counter 95 Theses
-Jesuits recognized by Roman Catholic Church on day leaving 95 days in year
-Roman Catholic Church = 94
-April 4th typically 94th day of the year
-1968 was a leap year, so it was 95th day
She died on her 174th day of her age.
Aaron Judge = 174
Supreme Court = 174
–Number of the Beast = 174
-Aaron Judge record on this day of Loretta Lynn’s death (Oct. 4, 2022)
–Aaron Judge has several 174 / Supreme Court (and other judgement rituals)
-October 4 leaves 88 days in the year
-Judge = 88 / 47
-Beast = 88 / 47
-Trump = 88 / 47 (He’s coming back)
Again, this came during Yom Kippur, which relates to judgement.
Yom Kippur = 99
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 99
Aaron Judge, #99
Aaron Judge passed Babe Ruth in 2017 during Yom Kippur
-That was before ‘Mandalay Bay’ shooting at the conclusion
–Mandalay Bay = 99
–Aaron Judge passed Roger Maris in 2022 during Yom Kippur
–Catcher was #22 when Maris hit 61 in ’61
–Judge breaks record 61 years later
–Yankees fall to 99-62 in the game Judge hits #62
–Torah = 62
–Elohim = 62
–God = 61 (Jewish Gematria)
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Zach! Check this out.
Loretta Lynn reminds of Loretta Lynch, whose middle name is ELIZABETH, as in Queen Elizabeth, who died on 9/8, like 98.
Loretta = 98
Lynch was the 83rd US Attorney General, born on Loretta Lynn’s 38th day of her age.
Murder = 83 / 38
From the start of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, 2/24/2022 to Aaron Judges hitting of number 62 home run, also the beginning date of Yom Kippur as well, 10/4/2022 is a span of 222 days! And yesterday 10/5/2022 the ending date of Yom Kippur the span is 223, the 48th Prime. Also I wanted to add that I discovered a bit of predictive programming in a music video from Yeah Yeah Yeahs song called Spitting Off the Edge of The World. At the 3:22 minute mark of the video, it cuts to a gas pump reading that ends at 2023.00 Sales and 517.48 Gallons where in the video the attendant gives the passenger a light for her cigarette and then the gas station explodes. The track was first released on June 1st, 2022 and the full album Cool It Down, released September 30th. Karen Lee Orzolek, name of lead singer of Yeah Yeah Yeahs equals 881 Jewish Cipher which is the 154th Prime. June 1st is the 152nd day of the year, leaving 213 remaining. Interesting.