Lori Vallow found guilty of killing her children, May 12, 2023, in clearly Catholic ritual

Death Legal Murder by Numbers News Religion

This comes while Lori Vallow is 49 years old.

We’ll get to how her first child disappeared on the Virgin Mary’s birthday.

It comes May 12, 2023, 320 days after her last birthday, and on the 132nd day of the year.
Roman Catholic Church = 320
Catholic Church = 132
Roman Catholic = 132
May 12, 132nd day of the year
Catholicism = 49
Lori’s age is 49

Keep in mind the first child disappeared in Yellowstone.
Yellowstone = 132

It reminds us that the US was named a span of 132 days from the establishment of the Illuminati.

Her full name connects as well.
Lori Vallow Daybell = 74, 97 & 259
Roman Catholicism = 74, 97
& 259
Cult Mom = 97 (Headline)
Death = 97
Killing = 74

Today is 146 days after the Pope’s birthday.
Jesus Christ = 74 & 146
Jesus = 74
Cross = 74
Messiah = 74
Gospel = 74
Parables = 74
Jewish = 74
Joshua = 74
-Joshua is English translation of Jesus
-Her child’s name is Joshua

The first of her children disappeared on September 8, the Virgin Mary’s birthday.
251st day of the year (54th prime number)
Jesuit Order = 54
Sun = 54

This is about the death of a parent’s children (Old Testament concept to New Testament).

Her birthday is June 26, or 26/6, and we are in the time of the first Jesuit Pope, the 266th.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266 (Jesuit motto)
Man made on 6th day, in 26th verse
God = 26
Adam = 26

Her nickname, ‘Doomsday Mom,’ encodes the familiar 47.
Doomsday Mom = 47
Colby Ryan = 47
Judge = 47
Gavel = 47
Authority = 47
Government = 47
President = 47
White House = 47
Republican = 47
Democrat = 47
Christian = 47
Vatican = 47
News = 47


60 witnesses? This news comes on 60 date numerology.
5/12/2023 = 5+12+20+23 = 60
Order = 60

She was charged with murder May 25, 2021, the 145th day of the year, and a date with 71 numerology.
5/25/2021 = 5+25+20+21 = 71
Catholic = 145 & 71

That was Joshua Vallow’s birthday. He would have been two.

Keep in mind she was 46 in 2019 when this happened.
Catholic = 46
Sacrifice = 46
JFK to Beau Biden to Joe Biden…

Notice the gematria of Tylee Ashlyn Ryan.

The bodies were found on June 9, or 6/9, like 69.
Tylee Ashlyn Ryan = 69 & 75
Catholic Church = 69 & 75
New World Order = 75
Illuminati = 69

And consider this comes in 2023.


September 8 is the 251st day of the year (54th prime).

It is the Virgin Mary’s birthday.

From the day of the first disappearance, September 8, 2019, to today, is 191-weeks and three days.
Society of Jesus = 191
191, 43rd prime
Jesus Christ = 43
Masonic = 43
Killing = 43
RIP = 43

More Gematria:

137, 33rd prime
Colby Ryan = 43
Jesus Christ = 74 & 43

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