Los Angeles mass shooting (Benedict Canyon), Saturday, January 28, 2023

Mass Shooting News

It’s your state sponsored Saturday shooting!
Saturday = 107 / 109
Shooting = 107 / 109
*Los Angeles = 109

It goes with Memphis dropping the ‘SCORPION’ unit today.
SCORPION = 107 / 109

And trailing on the back of the Memphis energy, we have 3 dead, 4 injured.
Memphis = 34
Murder = 34

This also comes on the 118th day of the Mayor’s age.
Los Angeles, California = 118
LA on 118th Meridian West
LA’s est. date leaves 118 days in the year

Recall, last week it was a 72-year-old shooter, and this shooting comes on 72 date numerology.
1/28/2023 = 1+28+20+23 = 72



  1. GregRamsey74 on January 28, 2023 at 6:26 pm

    This came 193-days before the anniversary release of the movie, “Escape From L.A.”
    193, the 44th prime
    “Shooting” = 44(Full Reduction)
    -This comes after what would’ve been Kobe Bryant’s 44th birthday.

    The movie released on 8/9/1996
    8+9+1+9+9+6 = 42
    “Gun” = 42(English Ordinal)

    8/9/1996 = 8+9+19+96 = 132
    “Another California Shooting” = 132(Full Reduction)

    August 9 also leaves 144-days remaining in the year.
    “Jesuit Order” = 144(English Ordinal)

    That movie’s anniversary release date comes 62-days before Gavin Newsom’s birthday.
    “Benedict Canyon” = 62(Full Reduction)

    This comes 158-days after Kobe Bryant’s birthday.
    “Freemasonry” = 158(Reverse Ordinal)

    Or a span of 159-days.
    “Helicopter” = 159(Full Reduction)

    This comes on the 1099th day of Kobe Bryant’s death.
    199, the 46th prime
    “Sacrifice” = 46(Full Reduction)
    -This is also a span of 157-weeks
    “Kobe Bryant” = 157(Reverse Ordinal)

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