Louisville, Kentucky & Dadeville, Alabama mass shootings of Saturday, April 15, 2023

“Four” dead, again.
This news came on a ‘Saturday.’
Saturday = 107 & 109
Shooting = 107 & 109

This news also came on April 15, 2023, the 105th day of the year.

Louisville, Kentucky also had another shooting in the news on this same day.

Louisville = 62 (6 shot, 2 dead…)
Mason = 62

And keep in mind this is the THIRD shooting in Louisville in the last week, coming 33 weeks after Mayor Craig Greenberg’s birthday. Think about that.

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In their only meeting of the basketball season, Alabama beat Kentucky by 26-points on January 7, 2023, a ‘Saturday.’
These ‘shootings’ came a span of 99-days from that game.
“Louisville Shooting” = 99
Also interesting is the fact that Alabama lost their final game of the season in the tournament in Louisville. This “shooting” came 22-days after or a span of 23-days from Alabama’s final game.
“Shoot” = 22/23
“Basketball” = 22
Alabama lost their final game in the THIRD round with 64-points.
“Kill” = 64
Louisville lost their final basketball game with 62-points.
That game was played 3/7/23 = 3+7+23 = 33
Game time was set at 4:30(“Killing” = 43)
3/7/23 = 3+7+2+3 = 15(“shooting” on the 15th)
Louisville’s final game was played on the 66th day of the year.
“Mass Shooting” = 66