Louisville, Kentucky & Dadeville, Alabama mass shootings of Saturday, April 15, 2023

Gun Control Mass Shooting News Shooting

“Four” dead, again.

This news came on a ‘Saturday.’
Saturday = 107 & 109
Shooting = 107 & 109


This news also came on April 15, 2023, the 105th day of the year.

Louisville, Kentucky also had another shooting in the news on this same day.

Louisville = 62 (6 shot, 2 dead…)
Mason = 62

And keep in mind this is the THIRD shooting in Louisville in the last week, coming 33 weeks after Mayor Craig Greenberg’s birthday. Think about that.



  1. GregRamsey74 on April 16, 2023 at 12:09 pm

    In their only meeting of the basketball season, Alabama beat Kentucky by 26-points on January 7, 2023, a ‘Saturday.’
    These ‘shootings’ came a span of 99-days from that game.
    “Louisville Shooting” = 99

    Also interesting is the fact that Alabama lost their final game of the season in the tournament in Louisville. This “shooting” came 22-days after or a span of 23-days from Alabama’s final game.
    “Shoot” = 22/23
    “Basketball” = 22

    Alabama lost their final game in the THIRD round with 64-points.
    “Kill” = 64

    Louisville lost their final basketball game with 62-points.
    That game was played 3/7/23 = 3+7+23 = 33
    Game time was set at 4:30(“Killing” = 43)

    3/7/23 = 3+7+2+3 = 15(“shooting” on the 15th)

    Louisville’s final game was played on the 66th day of the year.
    “Mass Shooting” = 66

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