Louisville police release bodycam video, April 11, 2023, one day after the shooting

Death Government Gun Control News Police State Psychological Operation

Bodycam Video = 55 & 62
Old National Bank = 55
Louisville = 62

He had completed his training 10 days earlier, only to be shot dead on the 10th, at a bank.
Bank = 10
Old National Bank = 55 (10th tri. number)

And who spells the name, Nickolas?
Nickolas Wilt = 49 & 79
Gun Control = 49

Police Officer = 77
Police Department = 77
Secret Society = 77
Scottish = 49

The other officer is Cory Galloway.
Cory Galloway = 58 & 59
Freemasonry = 58 & 59

Fraternal = 58

The body cam footage released on 58 date numerology.
4/11/2023 = 4+11+20+23 = 58

They’re saying “5 dead, 8 injured.”



  1. GregRamsey74 on April 11, 2023 at 7:02 pm

    The footage that I saw was 5:59.
    “Louisville Bank Shooting Body Cam Footage” = 559(Francis Bacon)

    This came 14-days after the body cam footage of the Covenant School shooting in Nashville.
    43 is a factor of 559, and 43 is the 14th prime number.

    “HERO Officers” = 62
    “Louisville” = 62

    “Ofc. Nickolas Wilt and Ofc. Cory “CJ” Galloway” = 191
    “Louisville Bank Shooting Body Cam Footage” = 191
    “State Shootings” = 191

    The Shooting came on the 100th day of the year.
    “State Sponsored Shootings” = 100/125
    “Louisville Bank Shooting” = 100/125

    Like you said, the “shooting” came 141-days after Biden’s birthday.
    “Government Sponsored Shootings” = 141

  2. Den Mun on April 12, 2023 at 7:46 am

    Both involved officer’s names, as they appeared in the official LMPD tweet, sync to 114:

    Officer Nickolas Wilt = 114 [Reverse Reduction]
    Officer Corey “CJ” Galloway = 114 [Reverse Reduction]

    Notice how their names are no different from most others in these rituals…. negative connotations and/or Biblical references: GALLOWay and WILT

    They also released the name of the shooter “Connor Sturgeon” yesterday 4/11… Scottish MSP Nicola STURGEON also announced her resignation yesterday 4/11… interesting that the STURGEON symbolically represents a “coming harvest” which the Native Americans indicated as a “Sturgeon Moon”. There is also biblical/Christian symbolism to a sturgeon, where the fish is a direct symbol of Jesus Christ. The latter is new info for me, but read more here: https://spiritandsymbolism.com/sturgeon-spiritual-meaning-symbolism-and-totem/#sturgeon-christianity-symbolism

  3. GregRamsey74 on April 12, 2023 at 12:33 pm

    “Fake Louisville Bank Shooting” = 114, like 11/4, or 4/11.

    “Connor Sturgeon” = 72/72
    “Shooting Drill” = 72/72

    This body cam footage was released on the 101st day of the year.
    “Gun Control Propaganda” = 101

  4. dingleberryjoe on April 13, 2023 at 5:13 pm

    Based on their website, the band is actually closed on Mondays….strange. Glitch in the Matrix?

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