Louisville shooting was streamed on Instagram, 141 days after Joe Biden’s birthday

Big Tech Federal Government Gun Control Mass Shooting News Shooting

This shooting came 141 days after Joe Bide’s birthday.

This reminds me of how the Stevie Steve Easter Sunday shooting was streamed on Facebook. Of course, this Louisville shooting came the day after Easter.

It also reminds me that Facebook launched the same day DARPA’s Lifelog ended (military).



  1. GregRamsey74 on April 11, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    “Streamed Live on Instagram” = 141

    “Streamed Live on Instagram” = 102
    “Instagram” = 102
    “Art of War” = 102
    “war against the mind” = 102
    This is absolutely a war against the minds of the masses.

    This shooting came 179-days before Instagram’s birthday.
    “Facebook’s Instagram” = 179

    “Facebook’s Instagram” = 109
    “Shooting” = 109

    It also came on the 187th day of Instagram’s 12th birthday.
    “Shooting Streamed Live on Instagram” = 187(Reverse Single Reduction)
    “Society of Jesus” = 187
    -187, the homicide code
    4/10/2023 = 4+1+0+2+0+2+3 = 12

    4/11/2023 = 4+1+1+2+0+2+3 = 22
    “Stream” = 22

    This came 34-days before Mark Zuckerberg’s 39th birthday.
    “Murder” = 34(shooting also came 34-days after Louisville’s final basketball game)
    “Instagram” = 39

    The shooting came on the 100th day of the year.
    “Louisville Bank Shooting” = 100

    This also came on the 142nd day of Biden’s age, matching the total points scored in Louisville’s final basketball game of the season.

  2. GregRamsey74 on April 11, 2023 at 4:32 pm

    Correction: 4/11/2023 = 4+11+2+0+2+3 = 22
    “Stream” = 22

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