LSU student Kori Gauthier found dead in Mississippi River, April 13, 2021
Notice below, she disappeared April 6, or 4/6, or 6/4, like 46 and 64.
Sacrifice = 46, Execution = 46
Kill = 64
Her surname also fits in.
Her disappearance came 64 weeks and 1 day after the LSU Tigers won the college football championship on January 13, 2020.
LSU Tigers = 113
Mississippi River = 113
January 13 championship (1/13)
And don’t forget I traveled to LSU last year to teach the campus about all the deaths in their community connected to the football championship of January 13, 2020.
They had to get the 4/7, or 47 reference, in there as well.
Her body was found Tuesday, April 13, 2021, the 103rd day of the year, connecting to ‘Louisiana State University’.
103, 27th prime *Ritual = 27
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“LSU Freshman” = 46 (Full Reduction)
“Kori Gauthier” = 64 (Jewish Reduction)
“Missing LSU Freshman Kori Gauthier Found Dead In Mississppi River” = 827 (Reverse Ordinal) – 827 is the 144th prime number(Jesuit Order)
“Kori Gauthier’s Sacrifice” = 144 (Reverse Full Reduction)
“Kori Gauthier’s Ritual Sacrifice” = 144 (Full Reduction)
“Found Dead In Mississippi River” = 169 (Reverse Full Reduction) – 13 is the square root of 169(found dead on the 13th)
“Found Dead In Mississippi River” = 102 (Chaldean)