Luka Doncic’s Sunday game winner 177 days after his birthday, August 23, 2020, on Kobe Bryant’s 42nd

Dallas was down by 21 before the 21 year old brought them back.

Notice the winning shot gave the Mavericks 135 points, on Kobe Bryant’s 42nd birthday, beating the “other LA team”.

In the first LA vs Clippers game, Doncic scored 42, and Kobe Bryant likely celebrated his 42nd birthday in hiding on August 23, 2020.
Jesuit = 42
Keep in mind ‘Dallas’ and ‘Utah Jazz’ are the only teams with 113 connections in the NBA, and they both won on Kobe’s birthday.

For one last point, Doncic is born on February 28, the 59th day of the year, connecting to ‘Black Mamba’.