Madeleine Albright, first female U.S. Secretary of State, dead March 23, 2022, in clear Skull and Bones ritual

Catholic Church Celebrity Federal Government Jesuit Knights Templar Murder by Numbers New World Order News Predictive Programming War World War

Madeleine Albright it is dead March 23, the 82nd day of the year.

She is dead at 84.

This is connected to Skull and Bones, again.

Madelein K. Albright = 84
New Haven, Connecticut (Where Yale is)
United States of America = 84
The Jesuit Order = 84
The Catholic Church = 84
Jesuit = 84
Masonry = 84
Zionism = 84
-She worked at Georgetown

New Haven, Connecticut = 84 *United States of America = 84 *Jesuit = 84 *Arkansas = 84
Think of Bill Clinton, Jesuit and Yale grade

They are talking about how Madeleline Albright’s legacy was pushing NATO east, which is now “coincidentally” playing out with why that was with Russia and Ukraine.

This news comes 149-days before Bill Clinton’s birthday, born August 19, 1946.
This news comes on Hillary’s 149th day of being 74-years-old, born October 26, 1947.
Skull and Bones = 149 / 76
-Synced with Bill’s 76th birthday
-He went to Yale (Where Skull and Bones is)
-Yesterday, Hillary, Yale grad, was sick with Covid-19 on 322
-Yesterday, Jen Psaki, from Connecticut, like Yale, was sick with Covid-19

Madeleine Albright had red hair, like Jen Psaki.

She is dead on her 313th day of her age.
Marie Jana Korbelová = 313
313, 65th prime
Knights Templar = 65
United Kingdom = 65
-Skull and Bones modeled after Knights Templar

They had to reference the Cold War, 9/11, nuclear weapons, and Bush’s New World Order speech.
George H.W. Bush, #41
Skull and Bones = 41
Albright = 41
9/11/2001 = 9+11+20+01 = 41
-41, 13th prime
-She is dead 23/3
-233, 13th Fib. #

Go figure 9/11 came 119-days after Albright’s birthday…
Poseidon = 97 / 119
Vatican = 119
-She took her position as Secretary of State in ’97\


  1. k1 on March 23, 2022 at 4:13 pm

    Madeleine K. Albright = 84 dead at 84

  2. Miami Boy on March 23, 2022 at 5:20 pm

    Deer Island owned by tax exempt association, Russell Trust

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