Malang, Indonesia stadium stampede kills 129, October 1, 2022

The stadium death count has climbed to 129.
129 is 201 in base 8 counting
The Jesuit Order = 201
-Jesuit Order = 54 / 153
-Indonesia = 54 / 153
-It is the 153rd college football season right now
-It is the 251st day of the Arema FC manager’s age (54th prime)

Notice this part of CNN’s article.
Tarnishing the name of Indonesian football = 177 / 201
The Jesuit Order = 177 / 201

This happened on October 1, 2022, the 274th day of the year.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274 (Jesuit motto)

The score was 3-2.
Remember, there are 32 sun rays on the Jesuit logo, with the letters IHS, for Iesus Hominum Salvator . And on this day five years ago, there was a mass shooting from the “32nd floor” of the Mandalay Bay Casino. But this time it is a 3-2 game, with the home team losing, that led to the deadly incident.

Notice how football and stampede overlap in Gematria.
Stampede = 83
Football = 83
*Murder = 83

It has been recognized as independent since December 27, 1949. Today is 87 days before that anniversary, going with the location.
Malang, Indonesia = 87
The Catholic Church = 87
Number of the Beast = 87
Today is 45 days after the August 17 anniversary as well, going with the year ’45.
Ritual = 45
IHS = 45
-Iesus Hominum Salvator = 274
-274th day of the year

The manager of Persebaya Surabaya was 178 days past birthday when this tragedy happened.
-178 (like 17/8 date)

And notice this happened 102 days after Joko Widodo’s birthday, or on his 103rd day of his age. And in the NFL right now, it is the 103rd season. And the Sunday games fall on 10/2 this year.
The location of this incident was described as ‘Malang in East Java.’
Malang in East Java = 102

President Joko Widodo = 102
Arema Football Club = 102
Malang in East Java = 102

That happened on the eve of 10/2.
This happened in East Java.
East Java = 56 / 79
Society of Jesus = 56 / 79
And as for the teams…
Arema FC = 29 / 43 / 47 / 142
-Football = 29 / 43
Persebaya Surabaya = 63 / 108 / 180 / 279
Update: They started with 125 dead, and they have returned to 125 dead (from 129).
Soccer Riot = 125
Numerology = 125

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News confirming 125 dead. Calling it DARK DAY
Dark Day = 125 & 44