Man who rescued 5 people during Oklahoma City bombing dies on Sunday, January 16, 2022 (the 116 thing)

Federal Government History Jesuit Military Murder by Numbers New World Order Terrorism

Did you miss my video from this Sunday, January 16, on 1/16, like 116, talking about the significance in the number in relation to Waco, Oklahoma City and 9/11? If you did, notice this man supposedly died on Sunday, January 16… and notice CNN’s post time, 1:19, on 1:19…
David Koresh = 116
McVeigh put to death on 11/6 (June 11)
9/11 was 116-days after Pope’s birthday
-He became Pope on 10/16
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 116

Today, the day of the news, can also be expressed as 19/1, like 191.
Oklahoma City = 191
Society of Jesus = 191

And January 16 was 93-days before the anniversary.
God’s Son = 93
Crucifix = 93
Nazareth = 93
Solar Man = 93
Mithra = 93
-WTC bombing in ’93
-Waco in ’93
-David Koresh, Jesus like

This also was 3-months and 3-days before the anniversary.
False Flag = 33
Federal = 33
Order = 33
Secrecy = 33
-Koresh killed at 33
-McVeigh killed at 33
-WTCs killed at “33”

Dead at 75?
New World Order = 75
Catholic Church = 75
Order = 75

Dead 11-days after his birthday…?

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