Man who rescued 5 people during Oklahoma City bombing dies on Sunday, January 16, 2022 (the 116 thing)
Did you miss my video from this Sunday, January 16, on 1/16, like 116, talking about the significance in the number in relation to Waco, Oklahoma City and 9/11? If you did, notice this man supposedly died on Sunday, January 16… and notice CNN’s post time, 1:19, on 1:19…
David Koresh = 116
McVeigh put to death on 11/6 (June 11)
9/11 was 116-days after Pope’s birthday
-He became Pope on 10/16
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 116
Today, the day of the news, can also be expressed as 19/1, like 191.
Oklahoma City = 191
Society of Jesus = 191
And January 16 was 93-days before the anniversary.
God’s Son = 93
Crucifix = 93
Nazareth = 93
Solar Man = 93
Mithra = 93
-WTC bombing in ’93
-Waco in ’93
-David Koresh, Jesus like
This also was 3-months and 3-days before the anniversary.
False Flag = 33
Federal = 33
Order = 33
Secrecy = 33
-Koresh killed at 33
-McVeigh killed at 33
-WTCs killed at “33”
Dead at 75?
New World Order = 75
Catholic Church = 75
Order = 75
Dead 11-days after his birthday…?