Mar-A-Lago raid has Trump under investigation for potential crimes including Espionage Act violations, August 12, 2022 news
Notice the Espionage Act was passed by the 65th Congress.
Espionage Act = 65
Florida = 65
Recall, the day of the 8/8 raid, was the anniversary of Xanadu, and the death of Olivia Newton-John, which was also the day her 65-year-old co-star from Grease, born on the 65th day of the year, was in the headlines.
Xanadu = 65
Also, notice it was enacted June 15, 1917, and the 105 year anniversary was 54 days before the August 8, raid, going with it first being passed on May 4, or 5/4.
Order of Illuminati = 105 / 201
Jesuit Order = 54
The number 65 goes back to the Templars.
Knights Templar = 65
United Kingdom = 65