Mark Eaton dead at 64, after tragic “bicycle accident”, May 29, 2021 news
Notice how ‘bicycle accident’ matches his age of death.
Bicycle Accident = 64 / 89 / 118 / 287
-King James = 89
-Los Angeles, California = 118 (Notice the picture of him guarding Kareem of LA)
-Last year LeBron won the Finals 287 days after his birthday
-Kill = 64
They saved the news for May 29, the 149th day of the year (35th prime).
-Mark Eaton = 35
They saved this news for a Saturday.
-Saturday = 53 (He wore #53)
He died on his 125th day of his age.
-Numerology = 125 / 55
-Mark Eaton = 35 / 55 / 98 (National Basketball Association = 98)
Keep in mind this news broke the day of Game 3, Utah @ Memphis.
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He died on a date that can be written as 5/28. (528 is the 32nd triangular number.) Utah Jazz = 32. Bicycle = 32.
He died on 38 date numerology. Death, Murder, and Killing all sum to 38. (He was drafted into the NBA 38 years before his death.)
He died 17 weeks after his birthday. Kill = 17. NBA = 17. (He also died 4 months and 4 days after his birthday. Kill = 44.)
The news made sure to emphasize that he was 7-foot-4. He died on 74 date numerology.
Very good work, and great catch on the relationship with 528 and 32.
Today is also JFK’s birthday the 35th president like Mark Eaton =35
JFK born on 149th day of year 35th prime and became 35th president nice coincidences eh? LOL
His name ”Mark Eaton” almost perfectly aligns with ”King James”. He also died 5 weeks and 5 days before the NBA Finals. King James = 55. And he died 30 weeks and 5 days before Lebron’s upcoming birthday, like 35. King James = 55.
I mean King James = 35 at the end.
Some outlets are calling it a “bicycle Crash.” Bicycle crash=216 on the day leaving 216 days in the year. Bicycle crash=54 on 54 date numerology. The accident came a span of 149 days from Ignatius of Loyola’s 530th birthday. 149 is 35th prime and Mark Eaton=35 and wore #53. From Shawn Bradley’s 3-22 skull and Bones birthday is 67 days. Blood sacrifice, etc. From Bradley’s “bicycle crash” to Eaton’s was a span of 129 days. AMDG=129 (Francis Bacon).
Jazz win tonight picking up their 64th win H2H vs Grizzlies after Eaton’s death at 64.
This news broke on the day of Boris Johnson’s wedding at Westminster.
Boris Johnson was schooled at *Eton* (Pronounced “Eaton”) where he “renounced his mothers Catholic faith”
Boris’ Catholic wedding was a talking point for the Mainstream Media:
Mark Eaton=35/145/55
Attended Westminster High School in CA
Boris is the 55th person to be UK Prime Minister
55 the 10th tri/fib number
Lives at number 10
Lesser date numerology of 55
29/5/21 (29+5+21=55)
Credit to Shahan on F2FT for tipping me off to Mark Eaton’s Westminster education and making the connection.