Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan Facebook was wrong to ban The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story, August 25, 2022 (and Joe Rogan’s birthday 66 weeks and 6 days after Church of Satan’s est.)

It’s funny Zuckerberg is on Rogan today, August 25, or 25/8.
Order of Illuminati = 258
Number of the Beast = 258
-Computer = 666
-Internet = 666
-See the 666 ritual below
See my older post on Zuckerberg and the number 258 and 201 here.

Today is 103 days after Mark Zuckerberg’s May 14 birthday.
Russian Propaganda = 103

Mark Zuckerberg = 84 / 219
Hunter Biden’s Laptop = 84 / 219

50? America = 50, Washington = 50, Satanic = 50
-Today is 25/8
-Number of the Beast = 258 / 66
-Church of Satan established in ’66 in San Francisco
–San Francisco = 50 / 122
–Satanic = 50 / 122
Listen to the episode here.

The news came 680 days after the Wednesday, October 14, 2020 move.
It is also 970 weeks
Mark Elliot Zuckerberg = 97
Recall this 97 ritual with Facebook’s Libra here.

Catholicism = 68
Mathematics = 68
Solar System = 68
Helios = 68
-CIA = 68
-Joe Biden Laptop Story = 117
-Central Intelligence Agency = 117
Heliocentrism = 201
Order of Illuminati = 201 / 258

That means Joe Rogan’s birthday, August 11, 2022, was 666 days after the news broke.

8/11/1967 = 8+11+19+67 = 105 *Order of Illuminati = 105

Joe Rogan was born 66 weeks and 6 days after the Church of Satan’s establishment.

And notice where 666 fits in…

Recall the recent 201 / 258 ritual with Gates and Fauci, July 12, 2022.
Recall the Utopia ritual with Jeff Bezos, on his 258th day of his age, September 25, 2020.
That was 33 days before Bill Gates birthday.
And recall Bill Gates vaccination ritual on January 22, 2021, the 87th day of his age.
And recall Len Dawson dying at age 87, on the 66th day of his age, August 24, 2020.
And recall the announcement of Dave Grohl’s mom’s death Aug. 17, 2020, the 174th day of Studio 666
And everything else…
ALSO, Rogan just turned 55.

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From the date of Peter Hans Kolvenbach’s 72 birthday in 2000 to 9/11/2001 is a span of 347 days including the ending date, which is the 69th Prime Number. In Peter Hans Kolvenbach 80th year of life, which was in 2008, on the date of January 21st 2008 the online group Anonymous initiated Project Chanology which was 253 days before Kolvenbach’s upcoming 80th birthday. 2008 Hope and Change Obummer, and then the new sensation of online activism which is nothing but Jesuit controlled operation. Obama’s 47th birthday spanning 197 days after Anonymous’s launching of Project Chanology, 1/21/2008, 197 the 45th Prime. Project Chanology = 187, 79, 245, 74 & 197 ALW Kabbalah & 1122 Sumerian.
* The US Food and Drug Administration = 2022 English Extended!!! & 1089 in Primes Cipher which has a square root of 33