Mass shooting at Western Wall in Jerusalem, Sunday, August 14, 2022

Notice the 1:44 post time from the Times of Israel and the 7 hurt and 2 seriously.
Jesuit Order = 144 / 72
This occurred on 14/8, corresponding with Yair Lapid, the leader of Israel.
Yair Lapid = 148
Fraternal = 148
It came 83 days before his upcoming November 5 birthday (or a span of 84).
It came on the day leaving 139-days in the year.
Jerusalem = 139
America = 139
Freemasonry = 139
This happened at about 1:30 AM Jerusalem time, Sunday, August 14, while it was still Saturday, August 13, 2022, in the USA. Recall, Trump was the first US President to visit the site, back on Monday, May 22, 2017.
Donald Trump = 138
Donald J. Trump = 148
This comes 1910-days after Trump’s visit to Israel, or a span of 1911.
Keep in mind, Trump was the 44th person to be US President.
Western Wall = 44
Israel = 44
Zion = 44
Netanyahu = 44 (The PM at the time)
*Shooting = 44
*Screams of Terror = 193 (44th prime)
*The wall is 19 meters tall, and founded in 19 BCE.
*This came 9 months and 3 days into the Superior General’s age.
-93, huge number with the history of Israel
-Tomorrow, August 15, is the Jesuit Order’s birthday