Miami Marlins coronavirus outbreak pushes MLB to postpone ‘three’ games, July 27, 2020
Three games, eh? *Three = 56 *Coronavirus = 56
This news comes from the state where Ron DeSantis, the Governor of Florida, issued stay at home orders on April Fools Day, his 201st day of his age. This news also comes on July 27, 2020, a date with 54 and 74 numerology.
7/27/2020 = 7+27+20+20 = 74 *Event 201 on day leaving 74 days in year
7/27/20 = 7+27+20 = 54 *Jesuit Order = 54 *Baseball = 54
*Miami Marlins = 193 *Roman Catholic Church = 193
The team’s old name is the Florida Marlins.
*Florida Marlins = 70 *Coronavirus = 70
*Florida Marlins = 151 *Pandemic = 151
They’re now saying the Marlins have 17 cases of coronavirus.
Miami Marlins = 59 (17th prime)
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Story broke on 27/7, like 277 the 59th prime.
I wonder if any players even have the virus