Michael Strahan to travel to space, Saturday, December 11, 2021

This ‘space’ related news comes on the perfect date.
12/11/2021 = 12+11+20+21 = 28
12/11/21 = 12+11+21 = 44
–Space = 28 / 44

And recall, Strahan is from Houston, a town associated with space travel.
Houston = 112
Blue Origin = 112
Jeff Bezos born Jan. 12 (1/12)
-Jesuits operate in 112 countries
-Today can be written 11/12
–Michael Strahan = 84 / 132
–United States of America = 84 / 132
–Catholic Church = 132
–Roman Catholic = 132
–The Catholic Church = 84
–The Jesuit Order = 84
–Jesuit = 84 / 21
This mission is on Michael Strahan’s 21st day of his age, on the day of the week named after Saturn, Saturday.
Jesuit = 21
Saturn = 21
-It is 2021
-21, 6th tri. number
-6 people traveled including Strahan

Keep in mind he is born on the 21st.
Also, this mission comes 144 days after Bezos reportedly traveled to space.
Jesuit Order = 144
The Jesuit Order = 201
-Bezos traveled on 201st day of the year

New Shepard = 113 (Number of deception)
–Important number to NASA’s history
And what a name, Laura Shepard Churchley. The “Church” part definitely stands out.

The flying dick mission packed more jokes than normal…

One of Michael Strahan’s travel companions was Evan Dick…

Evan Dick = 147 / 48 / 33
Freemason = 147 / 48
–Outer Space = 147
–Space Ship = 147
Masonry = 33
Secrecy = 33
Order = 33


We’re inseminating the space program = 172
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172

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A few more 113’s
Captain Kirk- 113 EO, 50 FR
Penis Joke 113 JO
Mysterious Crew Member- 118 RFR
Mysterious Dick- 187 RO