Mike Grier becomes first black general manager in National Hockey League at age 47, July 5, 2022
Jackie Robinson was called up in ’47. And Mike Grier becomes the first NHL GM at age 47. Jackie Robinson also wore #42, and today’s ritual comes 181-days after Grier’s birthday (181, 42nd prime).
Black History = 181
San Jose Sharks = 42
*Jackie = 42
Slavery = 42
–Slave = 59
–Negro = 59
–Rasta = 59
–Blues = 59
–Mike Grier = 59
He is from Detroit, on the 42nd Parallel North, where Motown came out in ’59.
February = 42 (Ends on the 59th day)
-Black History Month
And don’t forget Obama became President at age 47.
Barack Obama = 181
Black History = 181
-181 days from his 8/4 birthday to 2/1 of the following year (start of Black History Month)
Obama’s secret service name Renegade equates to 59.
Renegade = 59
Today would be Jackie’s 156th day of his age.
Michael James Grier = 156
And for one last point, today is Pope Francis’s 201st day of his age. We know this number has been omnipresent in race relations throughout history.
The Jesuit Order = 201
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 201
–Francis = 34 / 47
–NHL = 34 / 47