Mountain Dew Baja Blast’s exclusive launch in Taco Bell, August 2004

In light of what we have covered with Mountain Dew’s, Pepsi’s and Taco Bell’s relation to Hurricane Dora and the Maui fire of August 8, notice that Baja Blast was released August of 2004, 19 years ago (Chaos = 19). And now Hurricane Hilary is taking aim at the Baja Peninsula at the time of Bill Clinton’s August 19 birthday. Again, Bill Clinton also apologized to Hawaii on November 23, 1993 for the takeover of the land by the US military, 23 years to the day of Moana launching, November 23, 2016 a film synced wit the burning of Maui in ’23. Of course, California is now expected to flood on Hawaii’s birthday, August 21, thanks to Hilary.
Then the gematria piece is this will be the first flooding in California from a tropical storm since 1939.
Hawaii = 39
California = 39
Clinton = 39
Again, this will be traveling up the Baja Peninsula on the 19th of August.