Mysterious fire kills at least 74 in Johannesburg, South Africa, Thursday, August 31, 2023
At least 74 dead? What a number.
Killing = 74
Occult = 74
Masonic = 74
Today is a span of 74 days from the upcoming birthday of the Superior General, November 12, 2023.
Holy Roman Empire = 74
Roman = 74
Cross = 74
*London = 74
Today is a span of 74 days from the upcoming birthday of the Superior General, November 12, 2023.
Holy Roman Empire = 74
Roman = 74
Cross = 74
*London = 74
*Holiday = 74
*Independence Day = 74
*Free = 74
Remember, King Charles is 74 years old right now.

And tomorrow, September 1, will be 74 days before his upcoming birthday.
September 1 also leaves 121 days in the year.
South Africa = 121
Blood Sacrifice = 121
Keep an eye on what happens next.
As for today, it is 75 days before Charles upcoming 75th birthday, November 14.
New World Order = 75
Catholic Church = 75
Order = 75
Johannesburg turns 137 years old this year (33rd prime).
Masonry = 33
Secrecy = 33
England = 33
Order = 33

Last, notice the overlap with ‘King Charles’ and ‘Johannesburg.’

190, 19th triangular number (tomorrow is 1/9 as they write in the UK)
FYI, earlier they were reporting there were 38 dead from the fire.
Fire = 38
Death = 38