Navalny’s body returned to his mother, Lyudmila Navalnaya, February 24, 2024

Read more about Navalny here.

On the two year anniversary of the war with Russia & Ukraine officially beginning, on the anniversary of the Gregorian calendar rolling out, we have this, the body of the 47-year-old, who died on the 47th day of the year, being handed over to his mother.
His name connects with the Catholic history of this date.
Alexei Navalny=71 & 145 *Catholic=71 & 145
The 47 also connects with his mother’s name, Lyudmila Navalnaya.

Keep in mind today’s date numerology is 34. *2/24/2024=2+24+(2+0+2+4)=34

Today is also 40 days before her birthday, or a span of 41. *Mom=40 & 41
For another interesting point, from the release date of the documentary on Navalny, to his death, is a span of 677 days, the 123rd prime number. *Conspiracy=123

The film begins with the CNN journalist asking what will happen if he dies, a question he does not want to answer.