NBA announces it will permanently retire #6 for all teams in tribute to Bill Russell, August 11, 2022

Celebrity Entertainment Jesuit Murder by Numbers News Sports

Notice, the NBA made this move, in tribute to the 11 time champion Bill Russell, on August 11, 11-days after his death on July 31st (31, 11th prime number).
Celtics = 118 (11/8 date)

And think of ‘Tom Brady.’ This came 8 days after his August 3, 2022 birthday, and he wants to make it to an 11th Super Bowl, and earn his 8th win, improving to 8-3, a lot like his birthday, 8/3.
Football = 83
Murder = 83

This also took place on the 223rd day of the year.
223, 48th prime
Boston Celtics = 48
Tom = 48

Keep in mind August 11 is a big day in San Francisco every year, and they just beat Boston in the NBA Finals, plus Bill Russell went to the Jesuit school there.

And FYI, this ritual was 185-days before the Super Bowl, February 12, 2023.
Basketball = 185
Mathematics = 185
Catholicism = 185

To be clear, players already wearing #6 at the time of this announcement will be allowed to finish their career wearing #6.

Keep in mind the ‘clover’ is how the number 6 will be portrayed on NBA courts and jerseys.

6 6 6 (2 on LeBron, one on the floor)
LeBron = 66, LeBron James = 66, Number of the Beast = 66

His death at conclusion of 75th NBA season after Warriors became 7-5 in NBA Finals versus his Celtics.
New World Order = 75
Catholic Church = 75
Bill Russell = 75
Clover = 75

Order = 75

And don’t forget they are always drawing parallels between Bill Russell and LeBron James.
Clover = 33 / 87
James = 33 / 87
Number of the Beast = 666
-Notice the 666 in the photo
-And never forget this

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