Neo-Nazi leaders arrested for plotting to take down power grid in Baltimore, Maryland in white supremacist attack, February 7, 2023

Notice the connection with ‘Baltimore’ and ‘power.’
Baltimore = 58
Power = 58
Nazi = 58

This is in the headlines at the time of the Turkey earthquake, and “natural disasters” often create power outage scenarios.

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This came 10-weeks and 3-days before Hitler’s birthday.
“Neo Nazis” = 103(English Ordinal)
“Baltimore’s Power Grid” = 103(Full Reduction)
“Neo-Nazi leader among 2 arrested in plot to attack Baltimore’s power grid, feds say” = 1030(Reverse Ordinal)
-This phrase is 66-letters
“Neo Nazi Leader” = 66(Full Reduction)
“Nazis” = 66(Reverse Ordinal)
“Third Reich” = 66(Full Reduction)
-This phrase is also 15-words
2/6/2023 = 2+6+2+2+3 = 15
This came a span of 74-days from Hitler’s birthday.
“White Supremacist” = 74(Full Reduction)
This also came a span of 84-days from the death anniversary of Hitler.
“Neo Nazi” = 84(English Ordinal)
“Jesuit” = 84(English Ordinal)
Or 83-days before his death anniversary, and this news came 83-years and 158-days after the beginning of WWII.
This came 158-days after the anniversary of the start of WWII, and a span of 158-days from the anniversary of it’s end.
“Freemasonry” = 158(Reverse Ordinal)
“Neo Nazi Leader” = 58(Jewish Reduction)
This came 133-years after Hitler was born.
“Nazi, Germany” = 133(English Ordinal)