New COVID Variant reported in New York and California, February 25, 2021 fear porn

Coronavirus News Pharmaceutical Tyranny Psychological Operation

This news comes February 25, the 56th day of the year — thus, a perfect day for more coronavirus fear headlines — and in this case, we have the new variant from coast to coast, corner to corner, New York to California.

Society of Jesus = 56 *Washington D.C. = 56 *Anthony Fauci = 56

And uh oh! We’re going to need new vaccines! So I guess we better just stay in doors for another year and wait for the government handouts and until they tell us its okay to come back outside.

*And it appears an agent of truth works for NBC 4 in New York. Cheers to them.

Be Skeptical = 68 (Coronavirus coined in ’68)


  1. Keenan on February 25, 2021 at 1:24 pm

    In other 56 news, Jennifer Granholm was confirmed as energy secretary today.
    Jennifer Granholm=263, 56th prime. Today is the 56th day of the year. Society of Jesus=56. Coronavirus=56.
    Her birthday is 2/5. Today is the 25th of February. Energy=25.
    The Dow Jones index lost 560 points today, and 560 is 56 in numerology.

  2. Trampler on February 25, 2021 at 1:49 pm

    Another thing they don’t want you to know:
    “Pathogens tend to evolve towards lower virulence.”
    Here’s a link to Mike Whitney’s article, “Is the “Variant” Being Used to Scare People Into Getting Vaccinated??” It has some good info in case you get into a conversation with a pro-vaxxer, or someone who is on the fence about it.

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