New COVID Variant reported in New York and California, February 25, 2021 fear porn
This news comes February 25, the 56th day of the year — thus, a perfect day for more coronavirus fear headlines — and in this case, we have the new variant from coast to coast, corner to corner, New York to California.
Society of Jesus = 56 *Washington D.C. = 56 *Anthony Fauci = 56
And uh oh! We’re going to need new vaccines! So I guess we better just stay in doors for another year and wait for the government handouts and until they tell us its okay to come back outside.
*And it appears an agent of truth works for NBC 4 in New York. Cheers to them.
Be Skeptical = 68 (Coronavirus coined in ’68)
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In other 56 news, Jennifer Granholm was confirmed as energy secretary today.
Jennifer Granholm=263, 56th prime. Today is the 56th day of the year. Society of Jesus=56. Coronavirus=56.
Her birthday is 2/5. Today is the 25th of February. Energy=25.
The Dow Jones index lost 560 points today, and 560 is 56 in numerology.
Another thing they don’t want you to know:
“Pathogens tend to evolve towards lower virulence.”
Here’s a link to Mike Whitney’s article, “Is the “Variant” Being Used to Scare People Into Getting Vaccinated??” It has some good info in case you get into a conversation with a pro-vaxxer, or someone who is on the fence about it.