New York reports highest single-day Covid-19 case count on Saturnalia, December 17, 2021, Pope Francis’ birthday

Catholic Church Coronavirus Government Jesuit News Pharmaceutical Tyranny

What a joke! 21,000 cases on Saturnalia, December 17!
Saturn = 21
Jesuit = 21
Rome = 21

If only people understood how contrived all this is…

In light of them reporting 21,027, keep in min Saturn has a 27-year return.


  1. GregRamsey74 on December 18, 2021 at 3:44 pm

    “21,027 positive cases” = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)

    “21,027 positive cases” = 174 (English Ordinal)(Number of the Beast)(New World Order)

    “21,027 positive cases” = 66 (Full Reduction)(Number of the Beast)

    The ‘new’ record came 11-months and 3-days after the previous high. *Also 113-weeks after Event 201.

    “Highest” = 113 (Reverse Ordinal)
    “hospitalization data” = 113 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “Coronavirus Pandemic” = 113 (Reverse Full Reduction)

    “hospitalization data” = 85 (Full Reduction) – came on 85th birthday of Pope Francis

    The previous high on 1/14/2021, 1+14+20+21 = 56(Coronavirus)(Covid Vaccine)

    This comes 21-months and 6-days after the pandemic declaration on 3/11.

    This also comes a span of 647-days from 3/11/202.. 647, the 118th prime

    “the beginning of the pandemic” = 118 (Reverse Full Reduction)
    “Twenty One Thousand, Twenty Seven” = 118 (Full Reduction)
    “Death” = 118 (Jewish)

    Cases in New York jumped 154% in less than a week?

    “Saturnalia” = 154 (Reverse Ordinal)

    “One Hundred Fifty Four Percent” = 144 (Full Reduction)(Jesuit Order)

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