New Zealand shocks Norway in New Zealand to open Women’s World Cup, July 20, 2023
Hannah Wilkinson = 172
Auckland, New Zealand = 172
Ad maiorem Dei gloriam = 172
This comes after the mass shooting in New Zealand hours before the Women’s World Cups start on July 20, 2023, the 201st day of the year.
Women’s World Cup = 201
The Jesuit Order = 201
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This happened on the 54th day of Hannah Wilkinson’s age.
“Wilkinson” = 54
“Upset” = 54
“Jesuit Order” = 54
She is 28.
“Hannah” = 28
“Women’s” = 28
“Kill” = 28(upset came after a ‘shooting’)
“Woman” = 66
“Norway” = 66
“Mass Shooting” = 66
7/20/23 = 7+20+23 = 50
“Auckland” = 50