NHL star Johnny Gaudreau and his brother killed in “biking accident,” August 29, 2024
A hockey star is dead at 31.
The accident happened 16 days after his birthday.
Notice, he went to Jesuit Boston College, and the Jesuits have existed since the 16th Century.
His last game was on April 16, 2024, a span of 136 day earlier (16th triangular number).
The word ‘Columbus’ equates to 106, similar to 16.
Keep in mind he died in New Jersey, home of the NHL teams, “The Devils.”
As for his brother being 29 years old, the accident happened on the 29th.
Also, this occurred a span of 67 days from the NHL season ending on June 24, 2024 (modern Freemasonry’s birthday).
Salem? It is a reminder of the murder of women in “witch trials.”
They’re calling it a ‘bike accident’ (Bike Accident=86).
This also occurred on the Pope’s 257th day of his age (Blood Sacrifice=257).
And for one more, this happens while the country & Illuminati are 248 years old.
Blue Jackets=188 *Bavarian Illuminati=188
Ohio is the birthplace of football and this news breaks right as the season is getting underway (Football=83, Murder=83). Of course, the news breaks on August 30, or 8/30.
For another point, 8+30=38 (Biking=38).