Nixon’s ending of the Bretton Woods System, August 15, 1971 (the Jesuits and the dollar)
Richard Nixon ended the Gold Standard, August 15, 1971, on the Jesuit Order’s 437th birthday.
The movie came 218 days after Nixon’s 58th birthday.
Holy Roman Empire = 218
And keep in mind the price was fixed at $35 per ounce until ’71.
71 is the 20th prime number
As for the rate of $35, remember, the eye went on the dollar bill in ’35.
Keep in mind the Catholic Church has celebrated the sun’s birthday on 12/25 since the year 274 AD.
1225, square root of 35
In alchemy, the sun is gold.
And in this case, it was 274 days after the Superior General, Pedro Arupe, had celebrated his last birthday.
Notice, it was 46-years-later it was made the official birthday of Jesus Christ, in 320 AD.
Think of JFK, #35, assassinated at age 46.
And think about this… “In God We Trust.”
Helios = 68 (The sun)
*August 15, 1971 was 42 days before Pope Paul VI’s September 26 birthday.
–Jesuit = 42
–Math = 42
–New Testament = 42
–New = 42 (A new system…)
As for the August 13 meeting, or 13/8, the move was made on August 15, the day leaving 138 days in the year, a special number to the ‘federal’ government.
Federal = 138
Nixon Shock = 138
Also noteworthy, the Bretton Woods Agreement took place from July 1, 1944 to July 22, 1944. And July 22 can be expressed as 22/7, similar to August 15 being the 227th day of the year.
227, 49th prime
America = 49
Catholicism = 49
Again, Nixon was 58, on 15/8/1971.
Freemasonry = 139
America = 139