Nurse Matthew W. catches Covid-19 days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, December 30, 2020 news

This reminds us that in the Clade X and Event 201 simulations, vaccines are rushed out that are not helpful, and which ultimately hurt people. The mockery… and don’t forget who said this is exactly what would happen.
This news comes December 30, 2020, a date with 42 numerology, exactly 42 weeks after the pandemic was declared on March 11, 2020.
12/30 = 12+30 = 42

And don’t overlook it is the 30th, because Donald Trump announced his Operation Warp Speed to rush out the vaccines 30 days before his birthday, May 15, 2018.
As for the bullshit name Matthew W., it encodes 113, reminding us that the pandemic was declared on March 11, or 11/3, 666 days after the Clade X simulation of May 15, 2018.